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I'm an artist living on Bidjigal land, making work for live performance, theatre, screen and online. 


My practice includes directing, performing, writing, producing and teaching. Most of my work has been for live contexts, but more recently I have been interested in how performance can exist both live and online in ways that are meaningful in each context, building a performance across mediums (for example Shammgods, an ongoing project with Nitin Vengurlekar and Malcolm Whittaker  


My approach to live performance and theatre is to emphasise theatre as an interdisciplinary form, focusing on live performance as an event in which audiences encounter and are implicated in the work. 

My process for making performance involves a lot of time on the floor, finding performance material by doing it, trial and error, improvisation, as well as reflective time to write, talk and think. This is a highly collaborative process and my practice doesn't exist without other people to play with. 

This website is to hold on to some memory of some of the stuff I've done. 

For more information contact:



I acknowledge the Bidjigal and Gadigal people as the traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work.  Sovereignty was never ceded.  

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